7 Content Marketing Tips for Growing Your Small Business
Content marketing for the win! Here’s why you should love it, too.
Hello! It’s me again. Your friendly content marketing fan.
I love content marketing because 👇
It can help you build your business exponentially
It’s free! Aside from your time, we all know time is money
YOU set the rules
Do you like where I’m going with this? Great, then I hope you’ll keep reading (or scrolling, we get it, get to the list already, right?) to find out how you can use content marketing to grow your small business…or freelance work…..or passion project. Whatever it is that you’re out their doing, let’s get it truly out there.
7 Content Marketing Tips for Growing Your Small Business
ONE | Consistency
This one is upfront for a reason. Consistency is key! I say a lot of things are “key”, I apologize. I really mean it with this one, though. If you’re sharing great content, people will want to come back. They’ll want to buy from you, hire you, work with you, etc. You’re building brand trust. Don’t let them down.
TWO | Set time aside
I find that I write best in the mornings, particularly if it’s chilly and rainy out, though I realize I’m not mother nature and that I can’t control the weather. What I CAN control though, is my schedule. Hello self-employment benefit! And, I know that I have an easier time writing in the morning. If I try to write in the afternoon, just forget it. It’ll take me three times as long, if not longer. So, find when and where (lol remember working in coffee shops?) you’re most productive and SET THAT TIME ASIDE to actually create content.
THREE | Provide value
If you’re leveraging content marketing, you need to be providing value in some way. The best way to do this is think about your customer or client persona(s). Who are you trying to help? What does she like to do? What are her goals, ambitions, preferences? Then, once you’ve got that under your belt, think about how you can help her. Where can you make her life easier, more enjoyable, or something else that’s in line with your business? Then, create content that does just that.
FOUR | Get creative
Have FUN with it, y’all. Make it enjoyable. Think about all the amazing things you can offer to your clients/customers. Is it an e-book? Is it a free course? Is it how-to video? Don’t be afraid to get extra creative. It doesn’t just have to be a blog post! It can be anything. The content is your oyster.
FIVE | Make your blog posts easy to consume
This one’s big! And, there are a few ways you can do this. First of those being — people like lists. They break up the text. Lists ensure that those people know exactly what they’re getting out of your post and whether it’s relevant to them. Like this → 5 Small Business Tools for Running Your Business Effectively. You know exactly what I’m talking about; it’s all in the framing.
You might also want to think about including images and subheadings. Not only do these make your blog posts easier to consume, they also help you with SEO and getting that post found.
SIX | Have a purpose
…..for the piece of content. That sounded ominous and really intense for a blog post about content marketing. Anyways, have a purpose for that piece of content. What is it that you want you want that person consuming it to do? Should their call to action be signing up for your email list? Or are you providing it for free and using it to sell a product or service? Figure out your end goal before going live.
SEVEN | Just do it
Plain and simple. Done is better than perfect. Give it a go and see how it feels. How does your community react? What worked? What didn’t?
I want to challenge you to create just ONE piece of content to use as content marketing for your business. And, when you share it, please tag us at @wellkeptstudio so that we can celebrate you and share it with everyone.Or, if you’d like to share via email, you can do so here! You’ve got this. Remember, you’re doing what you’re doing for a reason.
If you’re on board with everything so far, I think you’re going to like this even more 👇
That’s right. 5 FREE days of training to help you jumpstart a blog for your business.
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- Gabriella